[Patent Certificate] Aerator Controller (S702) (Appearance)
[Patent Certificate] Data Transfer Module of Oxygen Enhancer (S702) (Appearance)
[Patent Certificate] A Power Circuit for Motor Protector (Practical)
[Patent Certificate] A Small Relay (Practical)
[Patent Certificate] An Angle Sensor Device for Reinforcement Bending Machine (Practical)
[Patent Certificate] A Motor Protector (Practical)
[Patent Certificate] Cluster Device for Motor Protection of Oxygenator (Practical)
[Patent Certificate] An Intelligent Controller Applicable to Step-down and Star Triangle Starter Device (Practical)
[Patent Certificate] Digital Display Screen (Appearance)
[Patent Certificate] Intelligent Controller (734.5) for Step-down and Star Triangle Starter (Appearance)
[Patent Certificate] Intelligent Controller (762.3) for Step-down and Star Triangle Starter (Appearance)
[Patent Certificate] Micro-current Foot Switch (Practical)
[Patent Certificate] Microcomputer Time Controller (HHQ4-A) (Appearance)
[Patent Certificate] Voltage Detection Circuit for Motor Protector (Practical)
[Patent Certificate] Time-controlled Switch (Appearance)
[Patent Certificate] Water Level Transmitter (Practical)